“Going with God: Soaring to New Heights”

Roger Stephen

Welcome to the 6th Quadrennial Session of the St. Lucia Mission of Seventh-day Adventists. 

Whether or not you are a delegate to the Session, we invite you to explore this website and become acquainted with all that will transpire during this special convocation. 

For this gathering, we have chosen the theme “Going with God: Soaring to New Heights,” because we understand the importance of going with God as our only hope if we will do even greater exploits for Him. As we end this quadrennium and begin a new, we have no doubt that God will have us soar to new heights, heights unknown as we prepare a people for His return.

Therefore, we are thrilled to share inspirational stories, informational reports and motivational plans and objectives for the future.

Let us Pray that God will lead us into a spirit filled Mission Session where His name will be praised and glorified.

Report Booklet

Administrators and Directors Reports